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Generate chats and animate texts in seconds
Free Tools for After Effects
Digitext: Add Typewriter, Encryption, and Redaction effects to your text layers.

Add Typewriter, Encryption, and Redaction
effects to any static text layer.

Digitext has only one button,
select your text layers, click on Digitext,
and play with sliders to animate your texts.

With a lot of customization and animation options,
Digitext brings your texts to life.

Digitext is a free script. Download it now:

Get it Free
Messengers: Generate realistic animated chats and text messages in After Effects.

Generate realistic animated chats
in less than a minute.

Create and animate Instant Message
conversations in the most
popular chat app styles.

Customize colors, sizes, shapes,
and scrolling settings with simple sliders.

Messengers is a free script. Download it now:

Get it Free